
Oh man this is pretty awesome. I loved the newest Driver game so they'll probably do a good job with this. Very interesting map, but where is the Pacific Northwest?? I guess it will just be in the "Mountain States" and "West Coast"?

Oh man, that looks really good.

I love some good ole' slow zombies. Hope it's not actually "exclusive". I doubt it will be anyway. Every time Microsoft says exclusive you take it with a grain of salt.

That actually looks pretty awesome, except for the maps.

Personally I love the woods and I love variety. I think it's boring when the game is all urban like GTA IV.

He should get murder charges and obstruction of the advancement of technology.

This seems pretty true but the biggest advancement I've noticed is the physics and particles. So many beautiful particles in these next gen games. Kinda like Physx but I don't know if you watch the BF4 trailer the particles look a lot more awesome than in say Borderlands 2 physx.

Probably for linear games, yeah.

It is a pretty sharp looking controller. I'll probably get one for my PC.

What the hell happened to Insomniac?

What a douche.

I always pronounced it with a G sound but if the creator says jif is proper then I'm using that form now on. I won't be stubborn about it like these other people lol. Like someone else said, should we pronounce gin with a hard G too?

I don't think they'll ever make a new engine. They are all about playing it safe and making money, not improving the game.

This is one of those games and everybody should own.

I hate when they give you cheats and early unlocks for preordering or buying the deluxe addition. Sometimes it literally makes me not want to preorder.

Well I'm not paying $650 for a card, I'm just not. I could but something in my brain is preventing me. I am interested in the GTX 770 as long as it's $500 or under though.

Well of course he's not very funny but his writers are.

She is hot to me just because she's an athiest...

All the Xbox 1 reveal did was make the PS4 look better than it did before... When I first saw the PS4 presser I was like cool but nothing really wowed me. Now it looks like heaven in comparison.

Well if you say "Xbox, play game" then it will show you a trailer for a game. Is that close enough?