Yeah get it, man. The world is WAY bigger than Liberty City in GTA.
Yeah get it, man. The world is WAY bigger than Liberty City in GTA.
Good point, Luke. The next open world Rockstar game is probably going to have an insanely lively and detailed environment.
Yeah that is impressive stuff. I literally saw a video of electric cars drifting, I never imagined you could get oversteer with an RC car lol. The only ones I knew about as a kid were the ones that would go 1-5 mph for 15 minutes and then run out of batteries lol and then Zipzaps came out, those were actually pretty…
Do you mean yourself? It's cool man, I got nothing against retards.
I thought the hobby ones were gas powered. But that was a long time ago when I saw those beasts so the technology probably has advanced for electric, how fast can these "hobby grade" electric cars go now?
Yeah it's all background dressing like in Deus Ex. But to be fair it is probably the best looking background dressing ever seen in a game before.
Yeah that was an extremely chic looking city. It's just too bad that nobody lived in it.
Man these guys are total dickholes. Have an ounce of common courtesy.
Anybody know a good alternative to Kotaku?
The most depressing part of Kotaku are the articles like this lol. They are shameless view grabs, literally trying to rile people up by fabricating controversy out of nothing. No female presenters... Sexist or coincidence? Coincidence.
See I'm not excited about the social features very much at all but I'm not complaining about them because I know a lot of people will be stoked about it. What I am excited about is the easy to develop for architecture, all the possibility for games and the "Immediacy" they talked about. No more slow ass in-game xmb or…
Very good eye! As feminists it is our job to find something to be outraged about in everything that we see. Dayz is a sexist piece of shit game!
Oh yeah, nothing gets past me, buddy. Luke may have been fooled but I'll be damned if they fool me!
Dude I totally thought it was the first one too. I even remember those same blood effects! I pray to Jesus that they are working on a new engine and game for the PS4 or something. The series is awesome but it has been stagnant for way too long.
Pretty obvious that they're toys. It's still cool though.
Yeah I know it is so painful to watch. I mean the game looks like it has the same clunky controls from previous Killzones, you can tell because even the play tester at the conference seemed like he was fighting them the entire time, but watching Jimmy play I would've thought that was his first time ever using a…
Eh he's okay.
Well I mean you can get a video card with 8 GB of GDDR5, not system memory.
That is pretty much a yes.
And why doesn't it play all my VHS tapes?!