I know man. Diablo 3? Diablo 3 is old news!
I know man. Diablo 3? Diablo 3 is old news!
Oh boy. Anyway, how could they announce the PS4 and not even show it!!!
I couldn't really tell because the stream was way too pixelated. But the parts that weren't pixelated looked pretty amazing except for the steering wheel animations. You know the farther graphics technology gets the more subtle the improvements are going to be.
Really excited for this one. I loved Motorstorm and this seems like a great concept made by people that are really passionate about cars. Finally the first next generation racing game. I was really hoping for GT6 but this seems pretty cool too. I just wonder if it will be more simulation or arcade.
Man Chad Warden was fucking hilarious lol. I wonder what ever happened to him??
Well no shit lol.
I still love the mouse but the keyboard is getting pretty obnoxious... It is useless for driving games and I am tired of playing uncomfortable twister with my hand, holding Ctrl to crouch is the fucking worst.
So this is like Japan's version of a super crude comedy right? Kind of like Movie 43 or those movies the shamwow guy makes.
Yeah I agree. I couldn't even watch the whole thing because I got so bored of the "genericness". Crysis needs to return to it's roots - the good ol' outdoors, being the king of graphics and having a bit less sci-fi crap in it.
Can't wait for the next gen boob physics. These current gen ones just aren't impressive anymore.
Or you know, just some more depth. It doesn't have to be cliches like the ones in the comic.
I was always a PS2 kid but a lot of my friends had Xboxes. I never liked it very much but Halo was pretty cool. I remember looking down at the grass textures in Blood Gulch and thinking to myself, "that looks like real grass!!!". I was a little jealous of those graphics lol.
It's not the only way, but it is the right way lol.
Personally, I wouldn't want that PC... The PC I built 3 years ago for $1000 is still more impressive than that thing. And my $1000 budget included a $200 Asus monitor, $100 Windows 7 and logitech speakers.
That was my first reaction lol
You think I'll at least be able to transfer all my PSN games? I got soo many and they are just sitting in my dead PS3.
The issue was that somebody could see your profile if it was set to private. So they could see your achievements and stuff, that's it. You can go to my steam profile right now and you won't find my debit card # on there lol.
I don't think they made any comments about it because it isn't that big of a deal.
Those were good days, I miss them. Now they write posts trying to piss everybody off to get page views.
Not digging that art style.