Wallopy Joe


What he said. The ship this thing runs in carries 11,000 shipping containers. Think how much more fuel and space would be required for the lorries/trucks to carry the equivalent amount of cargo over land.


Come, Patsy.

Not available to those outside North America = total bullshit.

"the two balls pursued an erratic circular course plowing up an acre of ground, destroying a corn field and mowing down some saplings before the chain broke. The balls then adopted separate courses, one killing a cow and the other demolishing the chimney on a log cabin. The observers scattered in fear of their lives."


You're a loony

Loved Thor, will probably love Captain America.

I can't see the poll either, I'm just assuming that Serenity is winning.

- Yes - 15%

That's not what he's saying.

That's most likely the case, but for one or two characters who don't have huge parts, the Red Viper, or Craster, for instance, I think it'd be great if they got a slightly more recognised actor for the role. Maybe.

I don't know if you're being serious (I suspect not), but I laughed either way.

I knew it could be done, but never knew how.... I feel that was silly of me

I know of similar sites -> [isitchristmas.com] that change what's on them. That particular site, with it's once a year different answer, is always accurate, I couldn't say the same for baconator's link though.

Is that actually any good? I'm almost tempted to pick some up next time I'm in the States, but I'm put off on the assumption that it might actually taste like crap.

People use phones with the screen in landscape and portrait possition, can this allow for 3D in that way? Or is that still a along way off?

<3'd dude. I lol'd

GuyOne closes his eyes.