Wallopy Joe

The field in front of the hangar maybe

Actually, considering how common most of those pieces are, I doubt the LEGO that went into this cost more than $200 or so. Maybe as little as $120 - $150 perhaps.

Only when you step on them in the dark.

Jupiter wins. Any and every time.

I'm at work now, so I can't access youtube. If I could I'd post the link/video. This kind of reminds me (vaguely) of a Mitchell and Webb sketch about vegetarianism that ends in one of my favourite lines - "There might be a few polar bears left if more people wanted one for breakfast."

I hate you for that, because now I've seen it, now you've said that, I can't focus on the bat, just those ridiculous teeth.

Some people seem to be all rattled about this guys opinion on 3D. Quite frankly I'm not sure I could less. I saw it in 2D, and I loved it, and I'll only be seeing 3D films in 3D if they were filmed that way.

Platipuses(?) (Platipi(?)) are poisonous (venemous(?)). Beware.

Well that can't be right.

Why don't you? Sure's fucking gorgeous!

They do that in CSI, so I think it must be true.....

My favourite example of #3, even though it was a deliberate piss take, was in Red Dwarf, when they were getting an image from a reflection in a window from a reflection on a water drop from the lamp post across the street from whoever took the picture.... or something.

I was hoping for a "How to call someone using you mobile phone", because, you know, man is that difficult. That seems like the right way to go too, especially now that I know how to text. That's a weight off my mind for sure.

That made me lol... also, must 'have'.

I think some were. One or two at least.

As far as I can tell this one is ever so slightly more sleek, more streamlined perhaps. It also looks like there are some slightly more exposed windows on the side... maybe.

You mean Mysteries.... I mean, Mr. Reese?


lol, that really gave me a laugh.

Actually, that reaction was down to my great dislike of coffee. It did start me think what other beverages might benefit the pizza eating experience.