Wallopy Joe

Just to add one final comment here.

Why in the hell couldn't you have just google'd that???

What they said.

So really.... what this actually tells us.... is that all the seven Kingdoms' problems could be solved with just a bit of.... how to put this....... snipp snippy?

Ya see, now you're said that I'm just not going to be able to stop myself hating the kid. He did nothing to deserve it.... but now I know it's him.... him....

They both get As

I'm hoping for Syrio.

Yeah, I know these kinds of articles are generally fairly spoilerific, but I had no idea that was coming, a warning would have been helpful....... So thanks.

I've seen all the TV movies and read every book (They're soooooooo much better on paper). I was even going through my second run through inbetween purchases of "A Song of Ice and Fire", until I received the rest for my birthday. I love Sharpe, and have since I was maybe 5 or 6.

Yeah, I was kinda pissed when Tyrion got knocked out.

I'm going to guess he has. I've not read Swords yet, and am only a few chapters into Kings, but what I gather from just about everyone who has read them, those who haven't will absolutely lose their shit when their events unfold.

What you need to expect from the next episode is a million people posting those "Shit just got real" gifs and images.

I think casting Sean bean was spoiler enough. If people couldn't work it out on that alone....

It's kinda funny. When news of the series first started trickling through I became interested. It sounded like my kinda show, and I hadn't read the books.

I read the book through a couple of weeks ago. I knew what was coming and I thought I was prepared. I thought that, as I'd managed to get through it in the book, I should be fine to cope with what's on screen.


I know they're not always that brilliant, but would it really be so difficult to add the alt text to somewhere in the article?

The guy between Red Skull and Hitler looks like the Dream Lord from Amy's Choice

Yeah, it's kinda making my head to cartwheels trying to figure out when it would all be okay or not.

Also, the word Hoax appears in the article's title.