Wallopy Joe

Nintendo are currently out of the office at the moment, but if you'd like to leave that cash with me, with an explanatory note, I'd be sure to pass it on to them when they get back.

Trick question, because also...

I don't think it's a regional thing, but more of a generational thing.


What? No way in hell is there only a foot difference in height between Summer Glau and Darth Vader.



As much as I feel the same way.... you are aware that this is Morning "Spoilers" right?

Maybe the tower's base will be 30 feet above sea level, thus the top of the tower would indeed be a mile high..... maybe.

I saw The Woman in Black at the theatre, quite a few years ago now, it was for a school something or other type project thingy.... Anyway, yeah, scared the shite out of me.

See, now I've not read the books, but the moment Sean Bean's name came up for Game of Thrones I started getting ideas that were all but confirmed by the comments section every time it got a mention in Morning Spoilers.

What about actual Pixar films? Don't they count?

It's still a shame though.

Can't. Stop. Laughing.

I really don't think it proves that at all.

Yes, its still being worked on and is due to come out on 3DS either very late this year or early next.

Didn't Indiana Jones already find Atlantis... you know, with the Nazis.

No, Dawn French as the sidekick, Lumley in the role of Mickey or Rory.

..... Because she's hot, and clearly the readers of SFX are all 15.