Wallopy Joe


Wondering now, after seeing this, if I should cancel my pre-order for the aqua blue one, and get this instead. That's pretty.

Seen it, just not in a long time.

Don't know how I missed this this morning (or yesterday afternoon), and I'm not rightly sure why I had the reaction I did, or why I found it so funny, but the moment I saw this I burst out laughing, the uncontrollable, sore in the face afterwards type laughing. Great expression.

I think his point is that in all these description they keep ignoring the time frame in which the film is set.

The Doctor: How could who phone me? Nobody phoned me, I'm just here. Oh, you've redecorated. I don't like it.

Looks like 1 part Chrome, 1 part Firefox and the rest Opera.

I don't think it's possible to explain. It's like it's the biggest practical joke played by nature on our current breed of scientist.

Stupid America changing their clocks early so I miss the opportunity to get onto Morning Spoilers and hour early for once, so as to interrupt the monotony of having fuck all to do at work today.

One with a nervous bladder and is freaked out by flashing lights?


I'd rather seen OoT/WW done in the same 2D style as Finish Cap. I miss that style of game, and I'd love to play through something I know, but with a different twist or the graphics. And it'd be cool to see how well/if at all the the level design translates to a world with 1 less dimension.

I have Angry Birds on my phone, the Seasons version as well. That's the only video game I play that isn't on a console/PC. So I'm not really in the market that Nintendo seems to having issues with.