Wallopy Joe

Could I please direct you to the irony in your last sentence?

Can I just say, although I may not like the new design to the site, I'm so happy I stayed.

Well, she's an actress. I assume she auditioned for the part. And then, she got the part.

If you made me one too, I'd be your best friend for ever.

You know gamers. Always something to complain about.


I'm really quite amazed the debris isn't more spread out.

How about we all agree to piss Sony off, together.

Crawling through vents = Awesome


See. I'm starting to become conflicted.

I don't hate on CoD, and I think the hate is silly. We should reserve our hate for those out there like Justin Bieber and not waste it on out precious video games.

I got PokéMon White in the post this morning, so that.

I gotta say, that's one of the biggest piss-takes with the various forms of media in recent years. But Ubisoft just seem to be following a trend.

@starjade: I'll go and see SW, ESB and RotJ.

@Oneiros42: Small kiddies and tween fans of the clone wars garbage are going to see this. No matter what the opinion of their parents, older brothers/sisters/cousins or close family friends (read: nerds), they will flood to the cinema in droves.

@Jeramy Bailey: Really? Don't you care that now we'll be able to connect with the characters even more because of 3D? Like Anakin. Now we can hate sand together. IN 3D. YEAH. WOOOOOOO.

It's true.