There was no happy ending, no neat resolution, when Moe bullied Calvin out of his toy truck. But during that two…
There was no happy ending, no neat resolution, when Moe bullied Calvin out of his toy truck. But during that two…
Japanese indie mystery and survival horror game Back in 1995, which is already available on Steam, is coming to the Nintendo 3DS, reports Inside. The game takes it visual cues from PlayStation 1 and Sega Saturn games and should evoke warm fuzzy nostalgia feelings for folks of a certain age.
The Witness is not like other games, so it stands to reason that a Witness speedrun would not be like other…
It’s the kind of thing you wonder after having too many donuts and margaritas: what would happen if you were stuck…
The name’s Narcisse. Yeah, numbnuts, I’ve heard all the jokes. I’m a newspaperman. No matter how hard I try every…
Someone else has to do the job when Rico is chilling in the main menu. And as it looks like in Tralion’s clip, he…
I bought a used copy of Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD for PS3 right before Christmas, and went home and found... Final Fantasy XIII-2.
Japanese sneaker brand ANIPPON has created sneakers based on the iconic Sega consoles, the Dreamcast, the Sega…