Ditto. Driven a RX8 and same S bend same speed and it would dart in and out of that corner in a way that makes my E46M feel like a bit of a pig. Plus anyone that buys a rotor and moans about economy and oil use is a idiot.
Ditto. Driven a RX8 and same S bend same speed and it would dart in and out of that corner in a way that makes my E46M feel like a bit of a pig. Plus anyone that buys a rotor and moans about economy and oil use is a idiot.
If one is to go for the classic pre Pug era most citroen of them all it’s the Traction Avant. If one is to go for a modern day most citroen of them all i think the Cactus might be it. Sure it does not have fancy suspension but it does what most citroens did. Go where no one else has gone before. I like it if they sold…
1. Pug 504
Nope. The engine,gearbox and other associated stuff is still from the rest of the range and those keep on chugging along just fine. The trim is shockingly bad and so was most of the body fit and finish but the motor keeps on plugging away. Countless funeral homes in Africa buy them up once they reach the 300 000km…
I nominate a french bucket of magnificence that resides in my fleet. Citroen DS4 with the Club leather package. Seats are soft and cosseting in a totally french way, all the mod cons are there, auto or manual, petrol or diesel, turbo or n/a rides just that bit higher than most hatchbacks and if you look at the top of…
That along with quattro is why i went with the other fastish german repmobile, mine only had two issues to worry about VANOS letting go (witch it did a year into ownership ) and main rod bearings (that let go last week). No Carmax warranty to cover my ass so it's pony up and pay, really annoying since the BMW fanboys…
There is not such thing. They are all great, even the rubbish ones are waaaayyy more robust than one would ever imagine. Even the 1st Gen ML and A class managed to prove how reliable they can be.
But it's the best myth on planet earth. Makes people sell perfectly awesome cars for nice and cheap. Metric countries it's a 100 000km and it's toast. Must sell, get rid, run away screaming it is waiting to blow up.
Given that the photo's indicate 7 clutch plates it just gets MCT AMG speedshift needs a software update gearbox. Expect no major changes to the past model and it's quite a fat little piggy tipping in and only 45kg's less than a RWD E63.
Have been around forever in South Africa. It's also the only manual V8 on sale locally, and its a turbo charged V8, problem is it's a Diesel and it's still incredibly slow.
Worked perfectly fine on my Alfa Romeo (blue&me). Had to learn the commands, rename the contacts to English that i knew i was going to phone regularly in the car and it worked fine. The M3's system is completely shit and now inoperative thanks to the failed bluetooth module.
300SEL 6.8L , 450SLC 5.0 boths cars from that period, both racers.
Guy driving is a profesional racing driver. He teamed up with Chris Harris a few years ago to do a vid on South African only racecars. Car was on loan from Jaguar since they sponsored the event a SL65 Black also took a bit of a hammering.
South Africa it would be the horrible horrible upside down Toyota Hilux based Fortuner they are bloody everywhere, if you see 4 of the, driving behind each other its not strange you are clearly just near a mall or a school.
As a former owner of a Gilietta i suspect this will be a bit of a cockup.
Where is Doug?