The Wallachian

Wow, feminists in this country must have gotten pretty bored if the last bits of oppression they can scrape together are “Help! I was obstructed from posting gendered hate speech on social media!” Yeah, how dare those sexist bastards stop you from expressing your unconditional hatred of men! It doesn’t count as hate

When feminists spew their anti-male hate and then cry about how men react to it, all they’re doing is admitting that they’re a bunch of bratty crybabies who can dish it but can’t take it. The last three paragraphs of this article confirm that.

Facts = mansplaining? You must be either mentally handicapped or a feminist. Oops, I think I just repeated myself.

Uh...maybe it’s called that because it’s a play on “No Man’s Land?” Jesus Christ, all feminists really are mentally handicapped. At this point they’re absolutely desperate to find sexism in everything. Just get a life you idiots.