
I have to get better at responding to comments. Basically, that is what I am implying. In order to get an economy of scale, we need to industrialize our food. We want more for less. And that is what we have thought we were getting, but really it's less for less.

I think 4k will have it's place, and it will integrate with touch. imagine 4 of the new ipads together. That's 4k right there. So 20 inch screen meant to be used on your desk and to be touched would be a great place for 4k video. It's not around the corner or anything but 3-5 years. Yeah sure.

I think this will add $30 on to the cost of any phone.

I wonder though what other countries might soon be "invited to the party". If Iran is at all successful, this could ripple across the Arab world and give Iran and it's allies an incredible level of control over information flow within their countries.

I think that this graph helps explain why these burgers are the way they are. We spend WAY less on food today than we used to. About 1/3rd as much as we did in 1949.

I know this is long and dead, but 1.6 was the 3rd update. So anything suck on 1.6 is the same as the original iphone.

Actually smartphones came out in the 90's. They would have already hit 7 years before the iPhone. Wikipedia says 1996. And the first Symbian phones came out in 2000, which would put the iphone in the very last year if you went by that measure. So my guess would be around 10% or so. Probably very similar to cell phones

So just to be clear Sam. Apple products can't get upgrades to an OS after two years. No big deal. And those first two years of iPhones which were updated to obsolescence, not a problem

4g doesn't cost more though...

Probably a fly on the lens or something like that.

Fantastic article. Just well written, thoughtful and great!

I don't think this will really do anything. Reflected light has much less intensity than direct sunlight (probably by a factor of 10 or more) and this device looks really hard to make so it will be expensive. I think that the designers are working very hard, and it's a cool idea, but this doesn't solve any real life

You know 18mm points towards an APS-C or similar sensor which seems mighty nice to me!

Honestly, they have done a really good job with my data so far. Much better than anyone else except microsoft. (no sarcasm)

Targeted advertising is awesome. I was trying to buy and A65 camera for months, but it was never in stock. Suddenly, I am watching youtube. Up pops an add fro the camera at good price and now I am gladdly taking pictures.

I think the problem here is that we want services to be custm tailored to us. To know us, and help us be who we are. But you can only do that with long-term data storage. Yeah there are privacy concerns, but we have to get over them and realize they are necessary in order to make automated assistants, better searches,

Pretty awesome. I have thinking about this idea for a long time, and I am really glad someone is finally doing something about it!

How much do you think it cost us?

Hate to tell you but those aren't Mother Earth's hills...they form the silicon valley...

Agreed with the other commenters. My search results got BETTER when they added Google+ my world.