
You know I am actually guessing that in the long term we will see something more like an e-reader that another company produces. A single purpose device that supports HTML5 or something similar allowing for easy programming and a locked down system to reduce distraction while studying.

I think this article is right on. These books will only exist as a supplement for those students who already have iPad's and happen to be in the class. The current level of churn will keep these from becoming the norm for some time to come.

Saw this in a few other comments, but the reason phones with bigger screen's are popular is because people want bigger screens. That was my mom's, my dad's, my brother's and mine request on our most recent batch of phones a year ago, when we all went to 4"+ phones.

I wonder though, how prevalent are hummingbirds in parts of the world we want to spy on? As far as I can tell, this would do nothing but attract my attention, and if can't move faster than a walk, I am pretty sure my 12-year old self would have followed it around until it ran out of juice.

I know it's cool to blame scientists and doctors claiming that they are just trying to make money off of other's misfortunes, but they really aren't.

can we draw and quarter the patent system?

not that I full believe this myself, but there was an article a while ago, i think on engadget, that talked about "good enough". And if we look, the PS3 came hour 6 years ago and is still going strong. Let alone the PS2 which is over 11 years old and still sold a million consoles this past Christmas. Consoles have an

But spending the money on drone research would probably be much better use of our money to the private sector. We know how to build planes, but drones are a whole different ball of wax.

Insert anatomy joke here.

It really just depends on your lighting. If you are talking about indoor photography, nothing will really work without a flash.

For what it is worth, I wish this had gone to Stanford. Cornell just bought the rights to the place, but they may not do as good of a job.

have you used bing? there are small advertising popups. my guess is this will never happen but somehow it just feels microsoft

Good news, Apple will never let this on the iPhone. Android will let you take it off or there will be an app that will cancel it out. Windows Phone...I'm looking at you.

Look the deal is the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission — which governs which reactors can be built in the United States — has told people to go build their NEW designs in other countries. We are only going to be building designs that are based on existing light water reactor technology. That is their line and they are

Go look at the side by side pictures on photojojo. Make sure to look full size. They are truly attrocious images once you add on the adapter. Cropping the image down to half size will give you better results than using this.

Agreed, is there any way to read a biddle-free gizmodo?

Golden shellback did this what 2 years ago? I just want to see something get to market.

looks like he just made 64 million dollars...

I am just wondering how many commenters here have a Droid X or better (1 Ghz single core with 512mb in ram) and still hate flash?

I feel like it is too quick to start reporting problems. Give it a day or two? Maybe restart the phone, and things will get better