
One word...Minivans. You know how kids have those TV's in the back for slightly longer drives? I could easily see getting Netflix streamed to the backseat being a big draw for parents who have had to deal with their kiddos breaking 300 dvd's by leaving them out in the car.

Dwarf +10 to radiation defense

works great as long as they can cache their books, but what if Apple pulls the plug on that one too?

This kinda makes sense, but really, it doesn't match with the existing model. My guess is that the way this normally works is through a single bounty the service puts on new customers not through revenue sharing of subscribers. Additionally, the only time you see large bounties or discounts is when the provider is

Considering how easy this is to do, I am really not surprised facebook decided to roll it's own ROM. Now the question is...will you EVER get a software update? Probably not.

So if you screw up a trick, you crush your balls right? Sounds awesome!

@snownpaint1: it only matters if are a neilsen family

And google tracks. I know it doesn't have maps, but it is awesome to record how fast you go on the slopes.

23 is a man...right?

google translate, please please get alot better!

@vel0city: Yep, and none of them were worth a darn. Everyone who really used email to send files had to get a local client. That was just par for the course.

@Daemonicus: Right, more storage space = actually in the cloud. Hotmail was really meant to be downloaded and deleted from the server.

@leavethegun-takethecannoli: It really is just a web-browser. A few tweaks, and it would ONLY run on the intranet, which is what my company dreams of. I don't think it HAS to plug into google's servers.

@spencercal: Okay did you not read about this? HTML5 works awesome with caching things. Google Docs will run locally without an internet connection and I am sure many other applications will follow suite. It will just be heavy lifting and file streaming which will be the most demanding on a connection

@Daemonicus: Gmail? That was the first real cloud email.

@Yash!: Google has lots of money and lots of coders. Lets hope they start focussing them a little bit more.

@Dodge2002: People WANT cloud computing. Seriously, how much of your day do you spend surfing your file system? Don't you want a RAID backup of your key files? What about instantly scalable processing for gaming? Secure access to your data on any computer you can use with all your settings and preferences coming along

@A7: This is exactly what my mom needs. Last year I set up her computer desktop with shortcuts to the web (gmail, gcal, pandora, picasa) and she has not looked back since. She doesn't even know she is on a windows machine.