
No one likes to look ugly, and I believe even the most blinded-by-hatred people sometimes catch a glimpse of who they are, maybe from the disgust in the eyes of good people, and recoil from it. And then after that moment of clarity they usually double down, but...

Is USADA unable to get some type of warrant to investigate the records?

All I want for my birthday is a favorable report from the Georgia Department of Public Health.

you know it’s right...lol

That’s gold, Stephen... pure gold. And cold.... :)

Right?? Also pretty rich coming from a man whose party is consistently trying to undermine attempts to actually address the wrongs of slavery as well as home to most of the country’s holocaust deniers.

I was actually talking about the email.

It’s nonsense based on prior experience with grad student unions, too. There are a fair number of unionized grad students in public universities, and it hasn’t created an adversarial relationship with faculty.

as a former TA, one advantage of getting grad students to do the nitty gritty shit in discussion groups/paper marking/etc is because they’re often a lot closer to the material being covered in class than the profs themselves. Many profs are too busy with their own hyper-specific research or living the sweet tenured

Right, though the answer to this is better unions, not no unions.

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?

This. I’m sure it’s been covered here but Beyonce winning for “Urban Contemporary” is pretty silly. The visual album was shot almost entirely in rural landscapes in the South. There isn’t much literal urban-ness here so we can only assume they awarded it to the more figurative definition of urban: Black. Like how a PC

It’s kinda like when KROQ in Southern California would play Eminem, Everlast, and the Beastie Boys (this was late 90s/early 2000s), even though it’s a “rock” station. I was too young to put my finger on why it seemed weird, but whiteness was the only thing those acts had in common with any of the other music played

That’s so sweet and wonderful :) Thank you!

I think the point being made is that the capitalist system is inherently designed to keep people down and to do damage to them. By attaching this sort-of “empowerment” lens on what amount to personal minutiae we’re doing a huge disservice to the larger issues of actual equality and parity.

I think actual poor kids always know they are poor.

Lol, Black people have been saying “woke” for years now, and some latecomer is saying it isn’t going to “happen” now that those outside of the culture have started saying it to death. Lol, typical.

It happened. Without you.

Don’t you mean she turned “twenty-fine”?

(I’ll show myself out.)