Walker of Dog

At his post-Brexit press conference, Farage summed it up: "I'm happy AND ANGRY!"

And Godwin's Law would just be some crappy CBS procedural.

Regrettably the suckers are already lining up:

Wait, they’re “proceeding on parallel tracks” - their paths can never intersect? Poor Teddy Westside!

But no Bill Paxton?

Since you're the one in California, shouldn't you know?

Hatewatchers be damned -this helicopter will be a boon for the entire community:

Hatewatchers be damned -this helicopter will be a boon for the entire community:

What if Nog's behavior on the date was his last desperate attempt to force himself onto a role (dutiful, misogynistic Ferengi) that he wasn't suited for?  And it was the repercussions of his failure that forced him to acknowledge that that path wasn't open to him, and that he'd better find something else.

What if Nog's behavior on the date was his last desperate attempt to force himself onto a role (dutiful, misogynistic Ferengi) that he wasn't suited for?  And it was the repercussions of his failure that forced him to acknowledge that that path wasn't open to him, and that he'd better find something else.

I missed the part where the gymnasts shit on the beam.  #NBCFail?