
@serendous: I would promote you if I could.

@squidyj: Since the purpose of architecture is to create a building, and not to instill meaning, that informs why it cannot be an artistic medium. That artistic elements are incorporated does not detract from the fact that you could remove all aesthetic trappings and the building would still have nothing to say.

@squidyj: "But is that an actual truth? or is it a failure of imagination?"

@nugimashou: If your defintion for art is that wide, then of what possible meaning could art have for you. Definitions are important. It's worthwhile to determine whether you value the aesthetic properties of art, or what art elicits from you, or the intellectual engagement with a different point of view.

@Erode: The Moma's at their discretion to decide what constitutes art for them. I'm just saying if your criterion for determine what is art is based on the capacity of the medium to tell a unified perspective, interactivity undermines that premise.

@nugimashou: True but if you're going Andy Warhol style with the soup cans and the lavatory that was still a sculpture by virtue of it being presented as an object with a hypothetical artist's perspective and intention in presenting the object in that fashion.

@squidyj: Yes but it's necessary to distinguish between art that conveys a message and art that is simply just pretty. Architecture in and of itself at the end of the day is simply the aesthetic presentation of a building. Were it to actually convey a message, it would no longer be just architecture but also a

By no means is the dictionary a definitive authority on art. If you operate by the OED definition, then yes videogames are art. By this definition architecture is also art, chairs are also art, crafts are also art.

@HelloKitty: It's a bit complicated. Fair-skin envy and valuation has a long-standing history in most east asian cultures so the importation of western standards of beauty, well, it seems a progression of pre-existing expectations i guess.

@iidxMANIA: How do you play mahjong? I've only ever seen Chinese people play it.

It is worth mentioning that it is everybody's beloved Senator Joe Lieberman who is proposing this bill, and he has already demonstrated his colors in full order.

@Elijah Xavier Norwood: I could probably waste half my life away waiting for this game. One day I shall be a free man.

@Citizen Kang: I was thinking, maybe it's possible that her Vietnamese is better than that but they purposefully had her do an unintelligible version because well, then you'd have to write the joke a second way around and there remained the risk of there being some sort of backlash for saying something legitimately

@YoungLeafedJune: Simultaneously though, I thought the same thing when Wyatt first came out and he's easily turned into one of the best performers on the show.

You know, they're just trying this because nobody is balls enough to crank capital gains up to a reasonable amount.