I don't know. A lot of my friends self medicated with alcohol and cigarettes. I self medicated with videogames and diet soda. I like to tell myself that it's a better way of going about things, but ultimately, I need something yanno?
I don't know. A lot of my friends self medicated with alcohol and cigarettes. I self medicated with videogames and diet soda. I like to tell myself that it's a better way of going about things, but ultimately, I need something yanno?
@dummyfakeroller: Well if we understand the office of the presidency or various heads of state to be representative of whatever constituency voted them in, i suppose the logic of the above statement is no matter what our disagreeements, the decisions of fellow human beings should be respected by treating heads of…
@MizJenkins: Yes please. I understand the desire to blanket statement a group of people by their worst representatives (looking at you Pat Robertson) but c'mon. Higher standard.
@DutchessOfDork: God now I just feel late to the party. I think I was 13.
@l'américaine française: Because it's rude to call a tea kettle a tea kettle. And we must be polite at all times
@foodbaby: OMG! You guys rock. I love your productions. I'd come down if I weren't in the OC
@Lymed: Amen. I hope Obama knows what he's doing. I've been skeptical so far but results are where the money's at.
The 1 trillion number is actually innacurate. The CBO scored an early version of the Kennedy bill that had no public option.
@msAnthrope: It is sad. But you kind of see it coming too. In the summer months all you can see for miles around are giant swathes of yellow and dried grass just poking up out of the ground like tall bristling hairs just waiting for an ember.
@Laines: Well that is amazing
@Anna N.: I do feel for Bristol. That said, her mom is fighting back like a child. So my antipathy for Sarah somewhat outweighs my antipathy for Levi, though i'm honestly not fond of either.
Steve Anderson is going to be so angry when he finds out he's been praying to the sun god.
This'ns my fav
I totally thought Watchmen when I saw this
@FontWhore (sans nublings): Yes but at any given time he could have just gone back and been like, ya know what? Maybe I made a mistake. It's not like making a movie is a short process or anything. Secondly. If he really felt remorseful, he could have done all the pre-pressing as an apology to Jenny Beckman.
I'm going to pull from my written review of 500 days by quoting this:
@NellMood: Yeah unmoderated comments generally just kill all hope for humanity when i read them.
Okay Death? Meet me at Camera Three.
@Penny: Romance in 140 chars or less or it doesn't count.
What I seriously don't understand is the gigantic, absolutely gigantic aversion to left-wing language in this country.