
My favorite parts of this finale was the scene between Laurel and her father, and the possibility that atom shrunk.

Am i the only one reading everything here in Rogelio's voice?

I think ALIE was mainly introduced to explain the world before the Nuclear war.

One of the best things about the 100 is that the viewers can have a discussion about the morality of a character's decision. Like here, you guys are discussing about FInn's rampage and Clarke's calculative sacrifice. Very few shows are able to do this.

I am sure Abby meant for Clarke to make decisions that a good person would make, hence the "good guys". Clarke will reach a point of no return if she took the revenge route against the mountain-men. Abby, as a mother, doesn't want to lose her daughter that way.

She realized her hypocrisy in today's episode, no need to hate on her for this anymore.