
I know a lot of my fellow Bulls fans are down because of DRose. The more I think about it, however, the more I realize that, compared to last season, we are in a better shape, due to Jimmy Butler getting into that scorer's mindset, and Pau playing like a 3rd year superstar. Also, our bench is better than last year -

I remember my last game against OKC, the Slim Reaper was unstoppable that night. I think he dropped 45 pts and pulled some double digit number on the glass, and I was ok with that since that was our second meeting of the season, with us winning the first one (he was shooting bricks that night, enough to build a school

Since DRose got injured (again), a part of me felt like the season is already over. But there are a lot of teams to watch this year, and yeah it seems the East is where the action is at. But I dont mind watching whatever team is playing, and I especially get excited, when HOU, WAS, POR, and GSW is playing.

My biggest struggle in MyCareer is that my coach approval rating is pretty low (68% +/-). It has something to do with the instructions that the coach gives me does not apply well in the situation that calls for it, so I'm forced to do my own thing. For example, coach tells us to do a fast break game, but if we did not

Another deeper aspect of MyCareer mode in NBA 2k15, is when you start to tailor your player based on what the team needs in their lineup. For example, some rosters are in need of a reliable post player who can score mid-range and in the paint, and at the same time, who can make reliable out passes whenever he gets

I'm starting to get this weird idea about why the villains in this show is so obsessed with conquering the Glades. Is it possible that a Lazarus Pit is located here?

I was really pumped for this episode, and it did not disappoint.

This exactly. I think people forgot how this scene came to be.

What do you want in 2015?

I tend to make a favorite Bond list based on the actor portraying him, not just the franchise in general. It's unfair IMO to start comparing quality of the movies that have decades in between them, so I default to this paradigm. Sorry I know I'm cheating.

I'm very much in the same camp as you here - it's too early to start blaring the alarm bells, and there's a lot of growing up that needs to happen in the Cavs roster if they hope to go anywhere this season. The only wild card in this situation, IMO, is the coaching. Back in Miami, Spoelstra and Riley have the pedigree

1) Last night's episode is probably one of the weakest I've seen from Arrow as far as character development goes.

I feel exactly like this about this whole issue. I'm not a Laker fan (back in '01, I was rooting for the 76ers), but I have a lot of respect for Kobe, if only because he is insane about his work ethic. I live in the east, so I don't get to see a lot of Laker games here, but I'm starting to wonder if this is more on

Truth be told, I only watched Way of the Gun because I needed another movie to satisfy my want for another crime movie after The Usual Suspects (which McQuarrie wrote and won an Oscar for). When I found out that Benicio Del Toro is in this movie, I watched it, and I felt... weird afterwards, in the sense that the

You're not alone in adoring Way Of The Gun. I might have to re-watch that again soon, if only to see (and laugh, again) at the opening scene of that movie.

I never thought of Thea, so good call there. Although I'm not sure that her being vindictive is a good enough reason to start killing off the Arrow team. It would have been more interesting, however, if she is simply motivated in Merlyn's vision or mission, and her personal feelings as merely secondary.

To be honest, I did expect Sarah to die in this show, and I accept that. But to be done this soon? I'm thinking somewhere in season 4 or 5 maybe.

Sarah's death last night was an absolute shocker. It was like a rollercoaster of emotions.

Dumb question is dumb, couldn't edit this even if I wanted to. Ah well, apologies!

I've always been curious about the 0% financing bit on cars. Do you need to do the financing in the dealership in order to qualify for this? And does your credit score need to be immaculate for this deal?