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I was at the Distant Worlds concert last year, and when Uematsu and Arnie Roth performed this live, I had goose bumps. So, here's my advice: if there is a Distant Worlds concert happening near you, make it a point to attend it. You will never regret the experience.

This is where I actually knew him from. Great show, people need to see it.

#7, or Gollum-net, did a pretty good job. At the very least, he got the majority of the gear (chest rig, pouches, M4 accessories) correctly, and the octo-camo suit looks well done.

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I've never cried because of a video game. What happens, though is that I become choked up, and almost in tears. Then I take a deep breath, and my resolve becomes more in-line with the game's story.

Ah yes, that scene.

I also made a write up praising MAG. I miss that game now.

Someone already mentioned high-praise for MAG here, but I simply wanted to add in on how awesome this game is, as an online shooter.

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Mr. Solberg, I just want to say that you are still my favorite WRC driver, and that I am a big fan of yours. It's your passionate driving, competitive nature, and the will to keep going despite the setbacks, that inspires simple folk like me to be the best in what we do in life, and for that I thank you. It's too bad

This is awesome, thanks!

P3FEs is in my immediate list of PSN purchase at the moment.

I have to say it's Final Fantasy Mystic Quest.

I myself have visible body scars due to my surgeries. The way I see it, though, is if the people who matter to me won't mind my "badges of courage", then I myself should not mind them at all. Not that I'm trying to belittle your insecurities, mind you. It's just that, for me, I've learned to accept them as who I am,

Man, that's tough, what you're going through. My heart goes to you, from one jalop to another.

I saw this last night, and to be perfectly honest, I was confused and underwhelmed. After reading some of the observations here, I can safely say that "Skyfall" did it's job in setting up a modern take on 007 as a movie franchise.

Yep, I remember this scene.

I have two memorably Steve McQueen moments.

"Though I must mention that giving some information in a commercial is easy..."


Well, I'm not really surprised, since I know that saying "OHH-EMM-GEE" in a face-to-face conversation is actually a thing nowadays.

OK I feel really stupid, but I have to ask: what is she looking for, GB? Game Boy? Gigabytes? Did she mispronounce a musical trio from the 1960s?