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Mind if I ask why the Julia hate? Is it because of her betrayal of Spike? And just to change the mood here, here's one of my favorite Bebop tunes.

I also have not seen anything in anime that can somehow match Cowboy Bebop. As a whole, Cowboy Bebop represented one of those quality shows that can really have an effect on you. Sadly, I have not seen this same level of connection with other shows, which basically follow the same tried-and-true formula of moe

This has an inumerable degrees of awesomeness for me, but what really boggles my mind is how did they manage to stack those ships on top of the other?

Let's just hope it comes in black.

Unfortunately, it's like that thing is indestructible. No wonder there are loonies who actually worship it.

Ohh, good choice! Unfortunately, if the Shrike happens to be on the forefront of the apocalypse, I don't think that weapon will work well.

Sheesh, I keep on getting drawn back to their website, I just have to check out ALL of their cosplay now.

Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you get some kind of a severance package out of this, and I hope you get to find something else job-wise that you will enjoy doing.

So I took a peek at their website, as I usually do whenever a cosplay post is created here in Kotaku, and yeah I can definitely understand your Miyuko, er.. interest. Very cute indeed!

Have you consulted with your physician before starting your new workout regimen? If not, I suggest you do a full physical with your family doctor. He might give you some insights on how to start off with your workout, in particular, you need to know how much effort can you start off with, since you recently quit

I was about to post something in this article as well, then I hesitated because I saw this trend growing here. I feel sorry for the other dudes out here trying to participate in a lively discussion, then getting burned simply because they are guys.

Oh I like "Amelie". It's quirky and funny without resorting to slapstick, plus Audrey Tautou, mmm mmm! :P

I think this is one of those movies that just keeps on giving; I find myself discovering something new and interesting whenever I watch it. And, I was psyched when they finally released this in BD.

There are a number of films that I'll label as my favorite, but right now, Michael Mann's "Collateral" ranks very high in my must-watch films of all time.

The only issue I had when I swapped HDD in my PS3 was the warping of the screws holding the drives on the drive cradle. So, try to be careful when removing those darn things. Also, you might need a FAT32 external drive to copy your saves. Other than these, the whole process is fairly easy.

I can't remember for certain, but I think there is a materia in FF7 where your random encounters are significantly lowered depending on your materia level.

TV shows, huh? OK, in no particular order:

Yeah, I already maxed out SVER 3 times I think. I tried to convince my coop buddy to switch to another faction (yeah that American merc company, I can't remember it at the top of my head). He asked me why bother, and I said that I wanted to try their guns.