
Wahaha, now this game is on my radar, just need to wait for a price drop!

Well you should! :D

Hehe this reminded me of one recently discovered tumbler site, hilarious! :D

Great job! You'll do just fine in your studies, keep up the good work, and kudos to your iron-forged will! :D

I find it strange sometimes that these things actually affect so many people. It's only a video game guys, come on. There are worse things happening in this world, you know?

Time to search for some quality doujin!

OK, the only way for me to truly distinguish what's candy-swapping and lip action.. is when the girl closes her eyes. Yeah this method works for me. :P

All you have to do is find what sells, farm it and then sell it. This is how you make money in over inflated MMO economies. You can also do things like crafting which increases the value of the raw materials.

Saw this last year, it was a fun show. I was not a big fan of, err fan service, but I find the character designs to be quite nice. Plus, I like the fact that the gun-nut dude actually knows how to shot, and I was impressed with this shows' eye for detail, with him using a KAC M110 as his weapon of choice.

Not that I can think of, no. I think SR is designed to be a full-on coop experience for it's multiplayer. If you want to kill other players in Stilwater, then no sorry. Which system are you playing SR3? If you're in the PS3 and you need a 60-something hipster goon, let me know, I can lend a hand. :P

Oh yeah, I missed reading that portion hehe! BTW, my favorite coop pastime in SR3? It's a tossup between naked BASE jumping and street dance offs.

Yep, whored mode is one of the crazy portions of the game. There are tanks, guns, giant ladies and other umentionables bizarely combined with one another. It got a little old for me, though, simply because it is hored mode multiplayer.

I was feeling the usual Monday grumpiness today... then I saw this vid. Now, I want to just ditch work and start playing BF3 again! Thanks for this! :D

If you're getting shredded by enemy gunfire, smoke bombs are your friend.

I'm juggling between a Quarian Infiltrator, a Turian Sentinel and Human Engineer. I base my loadout on what my party is composed of; I fill up a slot/job that I think will give diversity to our group.

The armed thugs outside requires a much different approach. You will eventually have extra tools/combo finishers enabling you to take care of their weapons. I'm guessing you're still not that far in the missions?

I don't mind seeing this thread moving. :D

As Straw Hat mentioned, she's Karen Gillan, the actress portraying Doctor Who's companion.

Hehe the Doctor's companion is a great first choice! ^.^d

I did a very quick bing image search for Emma Watson, and almost all of the pics that I found were of her pouting and/or stolen shots of her. This is the only pic I've seen of her smiling. But yeah, we just need to look at someone nicer just to scrub away the disturbing images. :P