
3rd pic, with the Orihime costume holding a DSLR. Very cute! :D

I feel for you. Philosophy graduate here, and I've yet to meet a cute girl who's into philosophy, much less a model.

I don't mind absurd story lines; it's anime, after all, and I've watched weirder things before. If the action scenes are on-par with at least Darker Than Black, then I might just start looking out for this. :D

Hmm, just read the wiki entry for this series and it looks interesting. I've been looking for some light-hearted anime with decent action choreography. Will you recommend this?

Correct. Skimpy character outfits = skimpy cosplay outfits.

Ok. If I could play games from only one developer for the rest of my life...

Yes it is, great story telling.

This sounds like an awesome deal, BG2, plus Icewind Dale 2, nice!

I made a mistake with my initial post: I actually played the Shadow Broker and Overlord DLCs (I forgot they are DLCs, since I have the PS3, which is standard to this version). And I agree, they are quality DLCs, especially Overlord. I think I made a post here in Kotaku about the kind of choices Commander Shepard had

Yeah when I saw the kidnapping, I panicked and my initial reaction is to go rush in. Then I realized, if I go in to save those folks, some of my crew mates will probably die (Mordin, Thane, Kasumi, Legion and Grunt: I don't want Grunt to die), so I opted out and let them die. My only regret is that I didn't pursue

Roughly 2 weeks after purchasing ME2 for PS3, I am on the brink of finishing my playthrough.

Gosh, you guys reminded me of my minning days in FFXI. I swear, I've gone through so many pickaxes on so many nights, just to get my Haubergeon. This was back when a Haub is mandatory gear for almost any melee DD (SAM/THF here), that asking for an invite to an XP party will definitely warrant the question

RDR moments: when I first encountered this scantly-clad dame asking for a ride into the nearest town, I happily trotted near her, only to be knocked out of my steed, and she gleefully rode away. I grabbed my Henry repeater and tried to shoot her. When that failed, I shot my own horse, and watched her face-plant on a

No, more fun when they bump your car, they start burning, AND you extinguish their flame with preassurized water. :D

Yeah I absolutely hate it when these moronic sunday-morning driver/npc decide to stay in your lane and slow down in GTA. Especially in GTA4, when they bump my shiny new Sentinel. When I see them get out of the car and stare at me, I just have to plant 2 on their chest.

I only played the PS2 one (Till The End Of Time is the title I think?), but I've never heard of the other titles. I'm currently building a classic RPG mini cabinet out of my PSP, so I'll probably look into these as possible additions. Thanks! :D

How about any of the Star Ocean titles?

I live in IL, and I scratch the trigger finger in the indoor gun ranges of my local gun store. For every trip I'd spend around $80 for ammo, safety gear rental, and range time. I haven't been in the range for a while though, so not sure if these prices are still accurate.

Also played KoA: Reckoning this weekend (demo version), and I agree: none of the characters made any impression on my playthrough. The game is fast-paced though, and I can see the potential for character building here.

Yeah, Valkyrie Profile is right up there for me, as far as JRPGs go. It is turn based, but it's more.. proactive, I guess. I wish more RPGs will take this concept a little further in the future.