
Right because America has never genocided anyone and is not the only country to ever use nuclear weapons against another country lol

bro, do you know how progressive tax brackets work?

not with health insurance, bro. plans are not medically underwritten.

what a dummy. guarantee issue, no pre-existing condition exclusions. it's ridiculously easy now

awesome, thanks for the help

How about a router? mine is resetting itself and is just about to die. I don't own anything fancy, small house, ps3 and 360, desktop computer and laptop and phones, that's it.

isn't that like... i don't know, the point?

it's not the same thing, did you even read the article? Real racing 3 just records your lap time, sets the car on a predetermined path and adjusts the speed to match up with your lap time. Forza learns your driving style and creates a version of you that does things that you tend to do, not just mirror your laps.

you live in california and never had a large burrito that had rice in it? Because that's a mission burrito, and they're EVERYWHERE.

9. Being hit by a car

if that's the case then yeah, that sucks. the whole foods nearby even sells large specialty pizzas (or even build your own pizzas, where you pick each slice) for 12 dollars, and they're surprisingly good here

food snobbery is annoying, but you must just not be looking very hard. Most of the local places nearby have a large 3-topping for 10 dollars or less to compete with the dogshit chain places


Gluten free beer is terrible, there is no good gluten free beer. There is however cider. Not my drink of choice, but I do know someone with a gluten-issue and usually has angry orchard or hornsby's or something like that, because it's usually gluten free. It tastes good and does it's job.

You don't hear baseball players saying their sport is the greatest? i thought the rugby > NFL was just trolling but now you've gone full retard

Is that how you imagine relationships are in real life?

haha yeah celebrating things is so gay

during my anniversary dinner at a fancy french place, i saw a lady pour ranch dressing over her 35 dollar chicken salad thing. is there anything more depressing?

I would normally agree, but 40-man 4-horsemen and 40-man c'thun were significantly harder to pull off than most of today's raid bosses.


A lot of the criticism seems based on earlier versions being improvements on even earlier versions.

the first target I went to was out of stock of the black, but the second one had two left, I picked one up for 160-ish with the RED card