
I wasn’t in any way “incredibly nasty.” I simply pointed out what you were doing and what you’re still doing. A man in his early 20s is not “a pretty unformed person” nor is becoming famous in your 20s an excuse for still being a douche when you’re nearly 50. 

Matt Damon became famous at a very young age, and as a pretty unformed person.

while all beauty is subjective, i think what most people find captivating about him is his peculiar intensity. as for her? i mean...

Come again?!

Better that than basic boring.

They need to have a child that will star in a groundbreaking television drama where the government designs the perfect cyborg offspring for every couple.

Actually it was made with American money by an American production studio in English with a goal of being a crossover hit both in China and in the US.

Casting Damon was meant to appeal to western audiences and this lazy, (in this case) unintentionally racist trope was used to incorporate him.

Movie is made with Chinese money for Chinese market by a Chinese director. Yet a white American feels sufficiently entitled to critique a movie she hasn’t watched.

I have to say, as much as I’m not a huge Matt Damon on diversity fan, I trust Zhang Yimou on this one.

IDK. I appreciate the director’s comments on this. It’s at least good that we are having dialogue about these things. That’s what really annoys me about Damon. He’s so dismissive of people’s criticism.

A feminist wants any woman to do whatever she wants to in her life as long as she doesn’t hurt anyone else. If a lady wants to wear a burka, let her.

Idk about atheist and feminist, but you’re definitely a troll.

If you rob a bank and the CEO of said bank said some words of forgiveness, you would still have to do jail time for the crime.

Well of course she forgave him. She wants to move on, stop being in the public eye, it’s perfectly normal. That doesn’t make him innocent and that dosn’t mean charges against him should be dropped.

It’s not worth much because he committed a crime and has been evading punishment for fucking decades.

Lol omg you really wrote all that

I mean, Trump has literally been caught on tape talking about grabbing women’s genitals against their will and has a long history of sexual assault accusations against him but we elected him President of the entire country. It’s not shocking to me at all that Polanski has so many defenders. We don’t care about women

Can anyone explain why this man’s films keep getting play? And why this man who so obviously a monster gets so much respect in Hollywood?