
See, I had always figured that Rose's dark side was coming. First of all, she lead a bloody rebellion, and led it somewhat successfully (She saved earth, though at the cost of nearly every Gem on the planet). She's a Quartz, which mean's she's a warrior by design. And she's a Repecca Sugar Heroine. I mean, this is the

To explain my initial objection, as I recall their retraction they basically said 'so it turns out that we were wrong on some stuff, there's some new facts out there, etc. We were trying our best.' This is fine when a show is merely factually inaccurate, but it was deliberately misleading and intellectually

Randi was also a global-warming denialist at one point, it's almost as though self-appointed non-scientists who know more about what science isn't than what it is aren't very good at telling us what is true, and are only useful for the most obvious cases of falsehood.

Sounds like some lame fucking excuses to me. If you're going to tell people second-hand smoke doesn't kill people, you're in the same boat as the creationists.

Randroid Libertarian idelogues telling other people they're blinded by their faith/ideology is a bit much to stomach. For that, I will always loathe Penn Gillette.

Tangent: my favorite webcartoonist paired that poem with her cartoon recreation of that X-Files episode about the cranky old psychic who knows how people will die.

The kind of pilot to a show that makes you think a) this is kind of genius and b) 'how they hell did a network pick this up?'

You know, that's fair.  And you probably well expressed why you don't (personally) like this record.  I still didn't find the review very informative for me, though — you may dislike the lyrical themes and lack of progress from their previous work, but I finished reading it not knowing what the album was actually like

You know, that's fair.  And you probably well expressed why you don't (personally) like this record.  I still didn't find the review very informative for me, though — you may dislike the lyrical themes and lack of progress from their previous work, but I finished reading it not knowing what the album was actually like

You know that you're talking about Mumford and Sons and not OCMS, right?  Like, you mention OCMS once in a context that doesn't really make sense.  And lets remember that just because Mumford uses a banjo that this does not make them a 'roots' act.

You know that you're talking about Mumford and Sons and not OCMS, right?  Like, you mention OCMS once in a context that doesn't really make sense.  And lets remember that just because Mumford uses a banjo that this does not make them a 'roots' act.

Uh, punk,metal, rap…  pretty much all 'genre' rock.  Is music that does this going to rise to its highest potential?  No.  But it can be pretty fun.

Uh, punk,metal, rap…  pretty much all 'genre' rock.  Is music that does this going to rise to its highest potential?  No.  But it can be pretty fun.

Yeah, personally I don't think they even share genres with certain banjo driven pop rock bands that seem unable to write a song beyond the triumphant chorus.

Yeah, personally I don't think they even share genres with certain banjo driven pop rock bands that seem unable to write a song beyond the triumphant chorus.