
The company I work for has two glowing reviews and theyre both fake as fuuuuuuck.

Yes, that which you just described is MALE ENTITLEMENT.

So sorry that you can only work with your employees if they give you emergency notice on non-emergency timing. Seriously, what the fuck.

I disagree about making the stalker be the one to move. While it sucks having to pack up, if they move, they still know where you are — not as easy to find out if youre the one who leaves.

Yeah, my studio in Chicago is 900 + util

I like that you spent three full paragraphs whining about the amount of training it required your husband to become a police officer in multiple states. When was the last time he stood up against his surely corrupt brothers in blue? I’ll wait.

Holy shit, only 1200 hours to get a gun and a badge and be untouchable for crime for the rest of your life? Again , 1500 hours to CUT. HAIR.

Some people are just racist, not mentally ill.

Give the 24 hour news cycle that you’re married to five seconds to catch up and you’ll see coverage. Alternatively, don’t get your news just from Jezebel. Christ.