
If Americans truly aren’t confused by the labeling, why would this have an effect on profits either way?

What about target funds? After match, generally the only thing I care about is that there’s a target fund for around my retirement date, which is supposed to be a fund that balances risk based on how close you are to retirement, right?

Bye bye Netflix. (;_;)

Womp womp. $210 now.

Womp womp. $210 now.

At the risk of sounding elitist, I agree.

Links over patties!? Fuuuuuuck right off.

I wasn’t going to wade into this conversation since it has strayed so far off topic, but I recognize a lot of myself and what I used to believe / espouse in this comment. I read Behe and Strobel and Keller, and thought myself an honest and conscientious religious person who saw and accepted the flaws in evolutionary

Tampa is, in fact, a garbage city.

Are you planning on doing the whole thing in one go, or could you try a few different things? Personally, I’m interested in knowing if you can sous-vide a breast skin-on then sear the skin crispy to finish.

I propose an alternative to turkey literally every year, and literally every year I’m berated like I proposed a satantic ritual. Goddammit I hate turkey so much.


Nomz! Vegetarians can get in on this too. I do veggie chili sometimes and it costs about $1.50 / serving.

Lol. Mention using a blend to avoid getting yelled at by old men, get yelled at by old men in the comments anyways.

Ugh. There’s a place near my office that literally has signs bragging about their 31 degree beer. Fuck right off with that.

How long can you expect a battery pack like that to hold its charge in your car when it’s gets very hot or very cold?

How long can you expect a battery pack like that to hold its charge in your car when it’s gets very hot or very cold?

Don’t Smoke!!!!!!11!1!oneeleven

Next up: Never be late to a meeting again by leaving earlier!

Yeah, Target seems to have them consistently.

“He settled on a 24-inch 4K monitor combined with virtual desktop functionality, eliminating the need to constantly shift his attention from one side of the screen to another.”

I got stuck for about three hours in traffic headed into the upstate of SC. Eventually, I just took county roads south to a random spot in the path of totality. I couldn’t be happier with that decision.