
You included Earnest Scared Stupid? You brilliant bastard.

I’m sure there’s another bar that will happily fuck up your cocktail if you want them to. Go there instead.

If you’re still too scandalized to even think about making this fall staple of deceit, just make a sweet potato pie. Those are better anyway.

Adding to the chorus. With the exception of those dishes that benefit from oven-spring, preheating is just a waste of energy.

This sounds horrible to me. My understanding is that the “juiciness” in meats is fat, not literal H2O.

I have heard that the way to deal with brown bears vs black bears is different.

I was with you until you said you had better beer. No. Just no.

That sounds considerably better than the OP described. Thanks.

Was it still kill-based, or did they switch back to a timer with a kill bonus?

That sucks. I loved the first one and am super disappointed to hear they’ve nerfed the titans.

In terms of healthy ingredients, there’s no question this is better, but if calories and satiating a sweet craving are your concern, you’re better off with a snack pack or something. Back of the envelope calc gave me 281 calories for a serving of this vs 100 or so for just a snack pack or jello pudding cup. Not sure

And if you do, trust me, we’re not impressed.

Do I win?


Yes. The most popular brand, Glock, built its business off of its polymer pistols and safe action trigger. There are similar and popular models from Smith & Wesson, Springfield, and others.

Indeed. Using an actual firearm in this class seems incredibly stupid given the information here.

Nobody follows up with you after classes, except to try to sell you another class. There are no spot checks for knowledge. You do not automatically receive updates. You are not screened at intervals for mental health issues. You do not risk losing your guns if you underperform. Classes are not required for firearm

Yes on guns that have them, but a lot of guns don't have a manual, external safety. Most police departments use polymer pistols that have the safety built into the trigger.

It’s been a long time since I competed, and then only as a kid, but I definitely remember our coach absolutely forbade us from using grips and anything other than chalk. I’m sure never competed at a level where that kind of thing matters, but I wonder if his rules were relaxed for the older kids competing at a higher

How long before Evernote becomes unsustainable and shuts down or is acquired and shuttered?