Wake me up at 4:20

Plus no one wants to eat the kind of cake found in bathrooms.

...listen to the little man inside your head....

How do I explain to my kids that some people apparently feel an explanation is warranted or necessary?

Daddy, please keep the starfish away from me tonight.

Ah, Liverpool racist humor. I like.

Very nice. Cheap chicken may be your medium.


Just got Damned United in from Netflix. Looking forward to it.

Well, it is the no. 2 city.

I'm not trying to be overly simplistic here, but couldn't he just transfer to Kentucky and make as much next year as he could as a lottery pick?

Ms. Davies:

+1 - RIP Buckhead.

I think we all say things we don't really mean. I had to apologize to a co-worker the other day for calling him a "Sneijderman".

Fuck yes, that's how its done.

Never let it be said that Gronk would wear a hat with a gay or lesbian bill.

I missed this - that is outstanding.

Yuengling Light is not a bad beer at all. On par with Miller Lite in my opinion.

Says Doc: NFL Should Let Players Hit Bong, Not QB

Oh damn, wtf dude?

Great! All my problems are over. Thanks!