Who are they you ask ...they’re someone telling the truth which you do not want to hear so you nitpick a detail to try to diminish truth. I ask who are you ?
Who are they you ask ...they’re someone telling the truth which you do not want to hear so you nitpick a detail to try to diminish truth. I ask who are you ?
Anything to get rid of Bernie, they prefer trump for 4 more years then it’s back to business as usual. Bernie means no more business as usual which is what they fear most
If Democrats run Biden against trump they make the same mistake as they did in 2016. Bernie would’ve beat trump then and now he has what trump lacks he is trustworthy and he has been right on every issue for 40 years . Unlike Biden...who is exactly what we do not want just another steppin fetchin political hack!
The majority of the people polled are not voting for Biden...anyone but Biden is the democratic reality. The DNC putting 22 candidates who usurped Bernies message into primary for one reason ...to dilute the Bernie vote and propell Biden into front runner status and it will have the same outcome as their Hillary…
here is what bernie said on the floor in 1994 about crime bill
what you need to watch is the movie ‘kiil the messenger’ it is about the
you know... the one thing i know about steinham’s remarks is;
or hillarys head hench man david brock and his minions
this entire discussion is to bring bernie down...and it has almost no reality attached to it.....bernie can not be taken down by fakes because he is not one but these people are operatives paid for by superpacs of rove and brock
these are not bernie people they are operatives of either karl rove or david brock....count on it....bernei people respect bernie.....these plants are the enemie.....having said that when bernie supporters emphatically support the truth against a lie it is not abuse it is required....but no one who is calling names…
i am feel certain these are not bernie supporters....they are plants who are operatives ....the source needs to be discovered ...i have nailed one on facebook that was not real...not abusive but dishonest and with a black womans profile.....it was totally scripted and her fb page hysterically not her
i am betting these are not bernie supporters.....these sound like david brocks minions to me.....could somebody do some serious research on this...these people do not represent bernie and we who do ...know that....this looks like the clinton machine at work
the woman was a 22 year old intern that was seduced by her 50 year old boss who was the president of the united states who was impeached and had his law licsense suspended....and the first lady called her a narcisstic looney tune....we do not want these people back in the white house
actually that was part of the lawsuit bernie filed in the 2008 campaign the clinton campaign was charged with the same thing ..what did the dnc do