Translation. I’m a bigot who wrote a bigoted fanfiction.
Translation. I’m a bigot who wrote a bigoted fanfiction.
Poor, poor, progressive. Still hasn’t learned what my family taught me in 1966. Making fun of people because of their skin color is morally offensive.
‘he is an arrogant white man drunk on privilege’ Thank you. I appreciate it when authors put their bigotry front and center so I know what their bias is.
I had two Hummers. Both had straight 5 cyclinder engines that got better MPG than any Blazer or Pathfinder I ever owned. Handled everything winter could throw at them.
‘the old white guy’ I always appreciate when the bigotry is clear and on the surface. Let’s me ignore the rest.
Wow! How does a serial sexual abuser get to have a spokes person?
Too bad you couldn’t express yourself with the racist W-word. Wanna eliminate racism (I do), stop being racist.
Sounds like people lacking motivation to improve their environment.
Thank you for your racism.
Wow. I can’t imagine how much better my life had been if I had started my ‘white’ college career with that kind of money. Everyone knew me as the poor kid. Had just a few pennies over $1,000 when I started college.
Next question. All those smart, motivated people. The ability to put together $7,000+ quickly. No one…
Accept in every case we saw, he specifically got consent by saying ‘is this ok?’.
They weaponized #metoo against Kim and ruined Dan’s reputation IRL. Charges should be brought against them IRL. Kim, sorry/not sorry you do not think enough of yourself and your value to say ‘please don’t touch my hair’.
You are correct, and I think if we are being honest the two reboot movies (particularly the second) were super male gazey.
LOL. You think a very rich man born with athletic privilege is somehow disadvantaged.
I believed in equal justice for everyone. Then I watched a bunch of progressive’s not get punished for a bunch of illegal stuff. Until people named Clinton and Obama are in jail, no justice, no peace.
Maybe I’ll feel differently after I play the game (which I plan to), but I finish the review thinking I’d have liked to have heard more about the game mechanics and less about the author’s personal political philosophy.
Truth time folks. I live in Ohio. Everytime one of these candidates rolls out another policy, I can feel another block of ballots going for whomever the Republicans run.
Dude with athletic privilege from a very young age uses his High School education (time spent mostly on sports), to describe others as uneducated. Please Mr. rich athlete sit down and count your money.
Ah yes, the King, who via the gift of winning the genetic lottery was gifted with athletic privilege and received a high school diploma talking down to someone about their level of education. Please.
I’m a boomer. I grew up believing everyone was equal and should be treated as such. And I’ve lived that as truth. But now, everyone is equal is morphing into white people should be treated like Sh!t by everyone because they are white. Nice to see the next generation fighting back against that.