Waiting For The Raptor

Nice! Which region? (Don’t feel pressure to answer that, btw, I don’t want to doxx you accidentally! Just curious).

Okay, that would be hilarious.

Thank you, this really does help! I do see positive progression happening as you do... my husband’s certainly further along than either of our fathers ever were, and I’m further along than my mother for that matter! And, I’m always amazed by the younger generation now...they really are growing up in a world where the

In this case, their site says her dad grows their vines - of course he’s got help, but they’re definitely the farmer’s :)

1000% with you, for me it’s not at all about Fergie - it’s all about how really good wine is both an art and a science, and a lot of labour. And a lot of people making it work. I’m an elitist about good wines because I know vineyard owners and how hard their whole team works.

I like to say that I was a perfect parent before I had children. :)

True. I’m nearly 40; I have had my share of bad experiences with men, but also have loved and lived and worked with many great men. They’re human. It took me a long time to understand the difference between the gender as a whole and the individual men who’d hurt me and the individual men who had my back.

It’s why we need to get everyone on board with the idea that the patriarchy hurts EVERYONE. Yes, men benefit from it enormously; but they are also suffering in the form of mental health issues,and we all know: what you don’t pass through, you pass on.

Also, I can’t help but think it’s so precious when a celebrity that likes to play at farming thinks that it’s “their” wine. I’m glad your family enjoys growing stuff, but I’m pretty sure the award-winning winemaker you’re paying is responsible.

Would already have done so, if I were American! I’m Canadian. But, I’m 1000% with you on an active citizenry playing Gandalf here.

Good job, Drake.

LoL thanks!

What the actual fuck on that game story.... That’s absolutely absurd. 2017 is fucking surreal.

Damn. There is no way I’d have been able to manage my grad work without a tuition break for teaching. This is so wrong.

Wait, this guys is bragging about being at 46%?


I really want it to be Jr. But I could also enjoy Kushner first, I dunno.

Right?! My calendar is so booked lately I had to start splitting up the half hours and talking really concisely for 15m - and also I keep up on emails, and write up user stories, and conduct user research, and manage service issues, and generally DO MY FUCKING JOB BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT ONE DOES. I don’t get a pat on the

The best thing about that gif is the guy on the other side of the machine, not gaf.

YES, this is exactly the video I thought of when I saw this.