Waiting For The Raptor

As many others besides me have said: I read gossip blogs for fun, and *I* knew. Everyone knew something was really wrong. I’m willing to agree that abusers/predators often show a different face to those they’re not victimizing, to aid in gaslighting, but this goes way beyond that.

Just wanted to say that your screen name is awesome and I love it.

I’m in the same boat, and that is exactly how I heard it my head too!

I’m Canadian, and I admit that my US geography knowledge is truly terrible. But even *I* knew this. I’m quite sure most 5th graders in the US know this. How does the occupant of the White House not know this?

I’m sorry we haven’t connected yet! It’s been a batshit time at work, and I just went to open my burner and apparently my ability to select random passwords is a little *too* good, lol. I’m working on it. I’m not ignoring you.

....does it matter?



This is a really, really good explanation. Thank you.

Oh my gods that’s terrifying. It should be in the list!

Sorry Bernie, but you should’ve said no. Should have made them look harder for someone to give the opening speech. Did it have to be a senator? There were no other women in the country who would do for an opening speaker? Really?

I fully agree with you. But, just wanted to add that it’s kind of cool that the market is no longer OK with their fur products. Yes, they’re still way late to the party and are only changing because of profit margins, but it’s nice to see that even those who enjoy higher fashion are starting to understand that fur

If he’s over 100 I’d be shocked; but there’s no way we’re not going to see an inflated number.

OMG “brocialism”. How have I not heard this term before it is genius. Thank you!

This. I’d love to hear from Tarantino, sure, but Clooney and Damon have a responsibility here.

Yep, scientific progress is awesome!

Well I like your comment history, so I guess everyone gets a mulligan... ;-)

Those of us who have any sense of American history, and any sense of the history of conflict (ie How Wars Start), are very keenly aware of how hot the situation is.

Ha, I’d be OK with that, if I didn’t think it’d be a bloody, bloody process.

My friend, I’m Canadian - our relationship via NAFTA is enough to convince me that we don’t get out of this for free, not to mention the spillover effect to every other economy in the world. I suspect that on future market charts, 2008 will look rather quaint in comparison.