“He was raised correctly”
“He was raised correctly”
Empty bus seats are pretty scary, though. Maybe the bus is haunted.
The extent of her rooster knowledge appears to be gleaned from Foghorn Leghorn cartoons.
Did this dim-witted shitbird get a rooster without ever, like, reading about roosters? “This stupid rooster won’t even play fetch and is useless when I take him duck hunting!”
To the chagrin of my adult children, I figure it’s my phone and I am not going to be a slave to it. I’m much more concerned about disturbing people I’m with, or people around me, so i keep the ringer off and vibrate on.
Reince should txt him to say, “Congratulations, I’ll pray for your child.”
This administration is a disaster. It’s a disaster for a whole host of reasons, of course, but just operationally, it’s a disaster because no one knows how to run a government.
He lost his wife, job and self respect all in the same week? I wonder if he’s tired of all this winning yet...
when they announced his name, i spent 2 whole days beign unable to fully concentrate because i kept writing bohemian rhapsody parody lyrics in my head. never fully coalesced in a full parody but some good limes were “scaramucci, scaramucci, can you do the trumps scandal” and “nothing really matters, anyone can see,…
I think in the case of The Mooch his absence is probably preferable
Maxine is 78. She has zero fucks left to give and she is not putting up with this shit.
They’re not even competent at giving non-answers or dancing around an issue! How did they get to where they are?
You’d think our leaders could at least offer our children a modest proposal.
Yeah I think the problem isn’t not caring about children, it’s caring too much about your own children and not at all about anyone else’s.
I miss her.
Poop, cocaine, stripper crack sweat. These things are on your money.
It’s probably an unpopular opinion, but I can’t stand shows like this and GoT/Walking Dead because of the overwhelming amount of violence. It doesn’t feel like it serves a purpose except to see your favorite character die an awful death.
“Fortunately, we came across this one”
Are we having another invasion from the Palojunk morons?
I love this. It just rings so true and honest. For a long time, I convinced myself of the same things. I’m nice. I’m polite. Everyone should be nice and polite. I do think the world stands to be a little more polite, but I was mostly using that as an excuse to not stand up for myself, and like you said, it goes back…