
What’s surprising (but really shouldn’t be) is how improvised so many aspects of the the whole experience are, and how many random curveballs there can be, even though it’s something that happens so frequently, you’d think it would be routine. I blame television and movies for perpetuating the idea of the “routine

That much fiber is gonna clog you up, so she’s either lying or hasn’t had a bowel movement in years.

Hi, vegan here. The difference is vegans don’t eat eggs, dairy or any other products that come from animals. Vegetarians just don’t eat meat. Most of us are fine, but you only see the shitty PR because who wants to hear a story about a boring and completely normal vegan? We don’t all throw red pant at people (although

The important thing is that none of us are in charge of cleaning her bathroom.

Never had it done to me and never done it to another. You sir are a fucking asshole. I just can’t believe that people think this shit is okay. I get it, the spouse is hurt, that sucks, but hang with supportive friends and relatives. Go hiking with the dog or take the kids to the amusement park. All this does is prove

You’re actually saying that’ll buff right out.

Where do you even find so many pickaxes anyway? The Pick, Shovel and Rake Store?

I lost a job because I asked for 2 weeks off to go to the hospital (I didn’t tell them I was headed to the the psych ward for suicide watch ‘cause talking about your mental health at work is not good self-preservation, fair or not...it’s not...). I was a temp, so they could legally terminate my contract for going to

Very true. And I must admit that, while I don't believe I'm superior to other women, I absolutely believe that my beagle is superior to their babies. :)

You're absolutely right about the common enemy in the workplace, but this isn't just a problem in the workplace. Women without children are being called selfish and treated as though there's something wrong with them in so many other scenarios. That's why I took issue with the Internet Mom reaction - the kinds of

It’s a novel. Sorry but I have exactly zero sympathy for people getting pissed off and taking it personally when people write fiction they don’t approve of.

It is so amusing how the youth think they own everything. I work with young teens and they’re often shocked when I recognize the words to Green Day songs. “Wait, YOU know Green Day?” They say, befuddled. Kids, Green Day and Eminem were being played on popular radio stations before you were BORN. We “old” people

Many years from now, when I am old and grey, and I am riddled with Alzheimer’s and I can’t even remember my own name and I am sitting in a puddle of my own filth, I WILL REMEMBER that Prince wrote ‘Nothing Compares 2 U’.

It’s a good song. I do like it. I have to say that I’ve never posted a question and gotten so many replies. Has anybody noticed that there are about 50,000 replies to my question, all of them saying “Prince wrote the song, Prince wrote the song, Prince wrote the song.”

I don’t understand that mindset at all. Are celebrities not allowed to be off the clock? If someone started harrassing me on my day off to put together some spreadsheets I might even become violent

One tip I’d add is: The Last Goes In First.

That mask passes the mustard.

This is another silly generalization that misses the entire point. It works for you, it works for me. Doesn’t mean it works for everyone.

Couldn’t agree more. The right answer to “rent or buy” is “it depends.” Do the math, think about your needs, and make the right decision FOR YOU.