The Doctor (9th)

Consider yourself lucky.
I'm a little bit older than you and my prom was in 1978, We had just come off of Saturday Night Fever and Grease was about to come out (a song from the album was released to promote the film). Not a very good time for music for a prom.

Want something schlocky?
Think of the 1980 movie Xanadu and the song Suddenly… the duet with Olivia Newton-John and Cliff Richard.
The movie tanked, but the soundtrack did very well.

Yeah… season 10's Halloween episode, first story Hell Toupée…that episode also had Bart and Lisa going into an Itchy and Scratchy cartoon and Kang is revealed to be Maggie's father.

It was worse than that… The Fat Boys came in and started singing.

I remember back in 1970 (when we had an eclipse in NC) many places said we should use the negatives from our pictures to "filter out" the sun's harmful rays - but these days who has that around anymore.

*checks the records and does the math*

Yeah, the\at was Yeoman Janice Rand (played by Grace Lee Whitney).

It's first noticed in the story Amok Time when we see Nurse Chapel bring Spock some soup to his room in order to "cheer him up."

I don't know if this is the same thing, but apparently the "staff meeting" has been cancelled, for the safety of the employees.

No offense, but I prefer Johnny Olson.

I kind of know the feeling… I live fairly close (40 miles) to a military base (Ft. Bragg / Pope Air Force Base) and they would be a viable target.
If things go crazy I'm petty sure our houses will be fine, but the fallout from the radiation will be the problem. In that scenario, I would hope for a quicker end than the

My one word review of Titanic - "over-rated."

Aw, I was hoping it was the B'z.

This is an easy question.
I would grab the cookbook that's been passed down through the family for several generations. The original book was written in the 1880s but there are a lot of hand-written recipes that have been added throughout the years and many are irreplaceable.

And to show how accommodating they are, they don't have to wait until he's dead.

<—- *remembers Simpsons episode where they had to use a truck to "pump out" the spit from Mr. Burn's grave*

Oh, before I forget, the article is kind of long so if you want to find the relevant section do a CTL+F and find the word "Dump" (there are only three instances of it in the article).

According to golf.com the issue of Sports Illustrated the story is in is for Aug. 7, 2017.

"I just needed to vent."

Careful, you might "tick off" Lincoln's ghost!