
I can’t find the one I bought at Fred Meyer for like $1.25 a couple of years ago. Just your basic wine key.....still going strong after all these years.

I can’t find the one I bought at Fred Meyer for like $1.25 a couple of years ago. Just your basic wine key.....still

Hey now. That’s my school. SMTTT!

You must idolize Fast and the Furious. Double yellow is double yellow. Case closed.

I’ve had 1 previous GTI and another right now. DSG service cost me $250. You got royally screwed. My last GTI had 178k miles when I sold it. NEVER had a problem. My current GTI has 88k miles and running strong.

You can scream “FUCK GUNS” blah blah.....you may not want to own one but that guy who runs up to you and robs you, has one. No, this is not being paranoid. I’m saying, criminals will always find a way to get a gun. There’s NOTHING you can do about that. So, as a gun owner/sport shooter/hunter.....I say, FUCK YOU.

At $200 too. My netgear i’ve had for a few years seems to be keeping up.

At $200 too. My netgear i’ve had for a few years seems to be keeping up.

I caught a ball during BP fair and square and kept it. Then during the game, i caught a foul ball in the stands fair and square...i looked at the children around me (young teens)...all had their phones out....my ball.

everything about this is correct. my puppy golden is smart and obeys.....when he wants.

This is great and all but it would be better if it were all 1 continuous shot. I liked the SF one better.

Sounds like he had some good molly!

i for one need the infographic.......i also might need a wife someday.