
So why should he take precedence among the avalanche of backlash against Dunham? If you search Twitter, most of the condemnation appears to be coming from women, feminists of color in particular.

A home run? This article completely ignores multiple other examples of Dunham's disturbing behavior with her sister. Was it done on purpose or out of the author's total ignorance of the actual details of the story?

They want to defend Lena and the only way to do so is to omit.

Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister

Batman is not a super hero. Batman is a rich guy with a really weird hobby.

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thinks Superman is a really dumb superhero.

I'm too exhausted by you people to form a real response, so this is what you get:

I believe you mean . . . "which Van Gundy."

List all of Jim's moves that he made that you thought were complete shit without the benefit of hindsight. The only one I can think of questioning when it happened was the D'Antoni hire.

I thought it's pretty common knowledge that SHE wanted that Kobe deal. How was the Bynum pick a bad move? He was developing into a good player until knee problems and a lack of a brain derailed his career.

As a lifetime Jets fan, I can say the Jets don't need any help losing. They do just fine on their own.

I have been looking online for porn since I was 13 years old. Never once have I accidentally clicked on a link that sent me to pictures and videos of child pornography. Not even when I was drunk.

I know someone (not voluntarily mind you) who was recently caught for exactly this. He said every. single. thing. Grisham did. It was spooky.

It's sort of like how Canadians view Americans.

I dunno, I kind of like this one...

Seriously. These images of children and dying and medical interventions and "invisible suffering" are not convenient metaphors for some writer, comfortable in her desk chair, to craft some moralistic allegory: they are the realities of this disease, of how it is handled in the US/Europe vs. Africa, of how medicine has

This scene is by no measure the only scene of healthcare in African countries, but it is often the only scene we see.

Jesus Fucking Christ. Leave it to Gawker media to find a racist lining in the Ebola outbreak. Kudos, you morally relativistic fuckfaces!

From the Post article:

I would laugh in a man's face if he seriously asked me if I had email.