
I hate that it's one of the most effective ways to make a dude leave you alone - it's basically like saying "sorry, I'm some other dude's property."

Definitely won't judge you. Ever since I got engaged whenever I notice a dude zero in on me and head my way I awkwardly find a way to lift my hand and show off the ring. At least then I don't have to talk to them. Unless they just don't care.

It's cool, I have had many fictional girlfriends and boyfriends over the years.

I once told a dude that and his response was "I don't believe you." Seriously. If a lady gives you that line, that means she's not into it. Otherwise she wouldn't have given you that line.

From the Post article:

I always have a book. ALWAYS HAVE A BOOK, LAYDEEZ.

Why is it always the woman's job to be nice a.k.a. give a man what he wants? Never is it the man's responsibility to be nice a.k.a. give a woman what she wants which is to be left alone.

If he doesn't respect your desire to be left alone, he is not really Nice, anyway.

I would laugh in a man's face if he seriously asked me if I had email.

This is my problem. The wax makes my ears itch. I will continue to use q-tips regardless of what anyone, including what my own doctor says, because it works. Although flushing them with warm water is fine, too.

Especially when excess wax causes your ear to itch.

I definitely feel like this point wasn't addressed. Sure, maybe it's better for my ears, but is a life without Q-Tips really a life worth living?

Rebuttal: Q-Tips feel amazing.

"Jessica's photo spread was child pornography...and trust me I know my child pornography!"

Strip away Book Amy's complexities and you're left with little more than "crazy fucking bitch."

The catch-22 with Gone Girl is that its refreshing to people like me to see a female character that isn't likeable and still utterly compelling. The author didn't feel pressured to make Amy likeable and in fact (having read all of her books now) makes it a point to write UNlikeable female characters. I think the

Any successful marriage - mine, included - involves some benevolent omission/"lying". 100% honesty is 1. impossible and 2. overrated. But on the big stuff? You have to be open and communicative. You have to act as a team - you and them against the world. You have to be kind. You have to talk about sex even when its

They clearly have this kind of an agreement. It's like getting mad at someone in a open relationship for cheating. Yes, that was horrible and mean, but apparently this is the life they want, so, whatever. I laughed at her.

I wonder if MRAs will be outraged about this false rape accusation.