
Where is that quote from? If it's an article I'd like to read it.

Now providing a right to counsel in radio interviews as well as criminal trials!

I hope whoever wrote this tweet suffers. Not violently, although being trapped in an elevator with an angry, drunk Ray Rice seems . . . appropriate.

Worse, the NFL can't reverse course even if it wants to. Rice has already been punished under the CBL, they can't punish him again.

Something to think about:

"The incident took place in Arizona, because of course it did..."


Well, (a) You're shocked that having better facts might help your defense? You're confused about the routine advice of "Don't say anything, even if you think it'll help you, to the cops?" Are you an infant?

Spoken like a guy who's never seen a vagina. Or a picture of a vagina. And definitely hasn't gotten a glimpse of a pussy.

"Do I deserve to have my bike stolen if I leave it unlocked on the quad?"

Later, Calhoun explained:

This is only, like, 31st on the list of the Most Florida Thing Ever. It needs AT LEAST an alligator, some government corruption, and a meth connection to get into the top 20.

It's just below "Banging" on my list of favorite sex euphemisms. "Humping" sounds a like slightly naughty fun, but awkwardly difficult and maybe a little .

So right. Blink was the first episode I ever watched, and the only one that at some point I don't just have to explain to others that it's just "timey wimey" stuff and to sit back and enjoy the ride. I think it might be just an inherent problem with time travel plots; can you name 3 time travel plots that don't

Worst fight I ever got in was at a stupid fantasy baseball draft about 15 years ago. One guy was a huge Indians fan and kept talking about how awesome the "Indians" would be. Every time he mentioned them I'd say something like, "Yeah, the Big Goofy Racist Pictures should be great this year." (I was pretty drunk and

Who could have foreseen that a critically corrupt bidding system that could easily be perverted by any group of assholes with money to burn would lead to this sort of trouble?

If by "The Man" you mean "Thousands of people just trying to get groceries," then yes, it IS a great way to stick it to The Man

I must be the only one who remembers mom taking away a bowl of cheerios and saying, "Run out and play, be back before dark."

That's true, and not a sign of Iran's love of women's rights.

Issue a fatwah against him?