
Isn't it the post by the Iranian President that is brave?


"A conviction is irrelevant?" What country do you live in?"

1. Nope. Plenty of evidence to support a decision to report they sexually assaulted a girl; a conviction is irrelevant.

Maybe not a flight risk, but the prosecutor probably argued she was a "Not going to show up for the next hearing" risk.

This decision makes perfect sense. Aereo basically was just stealing cable feeds and avoiding paying licensing rights. That's not "disruptive" so much as just plain out wrong.

Because no man, ever, in HISTORY! has ever lusted after a crazy, dangerous woman because she's hot.

"Besides, as the author of this piece acknowledges, these coaches are not really public employees. They are managers in a commercial enterprise."

"Coaches are not "public employees" in any meaningful sense."

Then I'll just stick with how ridiculous that "penalty" makes the sport.

You're forgetting the inevitable coup by right-wing extremists taking over Germany.

And the Rangers may win 4 straight 1-0 games with Lundqvist scoring the only goal in all 4! And Doughty may play in a rubber gimp suit JUST TO SHOW THEM! And Gretzky may not be able to take it, throw on a Rangers jersey, and score 12 goals in game 2!

Yes, Richter and Quick have their names on the Cup!

"The Kings had to play the best period+ ever just to score a goal in their own building."

Sounds like this guy needs ticket to Obviousville. Transgender women are real women. Says so right there in the name!

"Civility is only important if you want to win an argument and change someone's mind."

Why is it that every time somebody points out an obvious injustice, there's a dozen cries for "civility?" Why is being "civil" more important than not being a racist, sexist ass?

"The Hawks are much younger..." The who is the what now?

Right, because there's so many, many ways that literally selling a woman is cool because culture. The defenders of the bride price always say something like you do, something to the effect of "But we don't really do it that way because the price is just a formality/it's returned/it's symbolic;" "It's just a formality