
What makes you think you don't have a point of reference to critique something like a bride price?

Am I alone in wondering why the hell that "brokerage job" hasn't been yanked from Frattie McRaperton already?

I'm pretty sure the kangaroo courts are in Australia.

"As a rule, it's bullshit - folks who are actually mentally ill are usually passive, and far more likely to be the victim of a violent crime rather than the criminal."

You're very judgy, aren't you?

How do I give this infinity stars?

You'll be back. They'll make a Frito's special beefy-chicken Sriracha taco and you'll be back.

You've obviously never seen an arrest report where the suspect carried two dozen condoms in her panties at 10:30 am at a busy intersection. (Because tight clothes and no purse. Where else to put them?)

Oh fer Christ's sake.

Right, just like no Catholic (and most Mormons) would ever say Christianity justifies polygamy. But polygamist Mormons* are still Christian.

Yeah, but you don't look like Sterling. Just try it looking like Yoda with some bad plastic surgery and see what you get.

"It's not the same as putting on a hat or boxing gloves or using penicillin; none of those things alters the mechanics of what your body wants to do naturally."

I need to have the game based on this car! Right now!


Too true. Good luck at the law gig!

As always, the best Adam Sandler movie is the one you didn't get a chance to see.

Tried to, bud. Give a guy a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a guy to fish, and he spends the day arguing that the fish is just the rightful property of the man who owns the fishing boat and he's happy to get the fish guts to eat. And then he'll say those fish guts aren't crumbs, dammit, they're fish guts! And

"Yes I know what that phrase means..."

What are you, 13?