John Smith

Rather difficult to empathize with someone that doesn't empathize with themselves.

That's a risk you should have taken. Better to be friendless than gutless.

Grow up.

Experience makes you smarter. As in, " The next fuck that lays a hand in me is getting dropped like a bad habit."

Take a Valium, chill the fuck out, and find a group of people that don't burden you with their sob stories. We've all seen shit. Welcome to the club.

Probably because he sees it as a choice. Adults have choices. Men choose whether or not to hit women in anger and women choose whether or not to stay in fear.

Both are true.

Eh, the bible EXCUSES shitty behavior.

Nothing more heartwarming than a childish adult. Their lack of nuance and shallow emotions force me to ponder the meaning of life and question my assumptions.

Yeah. Know it well. Lots of gems. Like this one:

Of course. Not drawing blood from a four-year-old requires perfection.

You're dumb for participating in fantasy football

You forgot morality.

47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.

welcome to politics

Piety is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

He must have missed the part about slavery, too. We better call down south and see if there are any plantations missing a picker.

"Ordinary, everyday"?

yeah. It's as if every drop of blood from a child's anus helps them better understand Calvary.

lol. Awesome