John Smith

out of curiosity, what points of disagreement so you have with his theology?


That's what I thought. You're incapable of reasoned argument. You're an embarrassment to progressivism.

If she said "nigger" would you make the same argument?

I wouldn't presume to police female sexuality, or question it's legitimacy.

still childish. Grow up.

well, some of think calling another female a whore is terrible. Perhaps you don't.

You shouldn't lash out in anger at people that challenge your baseless assumptions. It makes you appear childish.

Yeah. HE ruined the sterling reputation of Christianity. Not, you know, christians themselves, or it's doctrines and scriptures.

which worked. He has a massive church, full of cackling ladies

Yeah, violence is the answer.

Liberal christian? You're deeply ignorant of theology.

of course not. We can't miss any opportunity to tear down a woman's confidence and convince her she's a victim

makes sense. You'd be happier if she felt victimized, rather than owning her sexuality.

The point of videos has always been to sell records.

It's amazing how black woman own their sexuality while white women feel victimized by magazine covers.

Right. It's ALWAYS a thyroid problem.

yeah. She's a hero. Because, double-standards.

I'm not surprised you have double standards, or that you're unapologetic about it.

Yes it is. They're always victims.