John Smith

Your just scratching the surface with him.

Credulity is dangerous. The guy on stage yelling is irrelevant.

Sure ladies, because Hugh Jackmen isn't really THAT attractive. He's just some ideal, pushed on you by the media and advertisers.

Pink is the enemy, but using "cute" to describe a car is acceptable?

Men and women are of equal intelligence. This is of course quantifiable and measurable, proving Michelle Obama is not smart on this subject.

Most people are good.

There's good people everywhere, although my wife says she was glad to get out of her small town.

lol. Yeah. Chicago. My comment was tongue in cheek. My lively wife is a southerner.

Well, that's just where the problem lies, doesn't it ?

As long as individuals broadcast their prideful ignorance, they'll be mocked, and rightfully so, no matter the age.

Long nails = E. coli

Her brush with cancer makes like her less.

yep. It also wasn't the webcam partner 's fault. He too suffers from the same disorder, and was merely acting on orders being fed to him by a hallucination he was suffering from.

The United States is controlled by religious nuts. Pick up a newspaper.

Your smug superiority is more repulsive.

... said the nice german soldier to the crowd in Warsaw.

Wrong attitude. An outbreak would set you for life.

True injustice, right?

Yeah. Minorities are blocked from voting or told to go back where they came from and gays, if they're brave enough to be out of the closet, are treated like second class citizens with open bigotry because Jesus was apparently a bully.

fair enough. I'm sure parenting is far more difficult than my snark allows for. You're lucky to have her