In a “booklet” published by System Magazine, Kanye West styled his wife, Kim Kardashian, for a photo shoot. Kanye…
In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar, Oscar winner and former rapper Natalie Portman spoke about her new film A Tale…
it’s proven that she might not Bill Clinton’s biological daughter.
The beard is a lacefront. I am a Drake’s beard truther. Come at me.
Don’t do brownface ever at all is actually a good tenet by which to live one’s life
absolutely fucking not.
It’s like, just spit in my fucking face
“garnish with fresh peas, sunflower seeds and flaky sea salt”
In the past year, Michelle Beadle has emerged as one of the most important and independent voices at ESPN. When First…
Stephen A. Smith is the ultimate low-hanging fruit. His job is to be low-hanging fruit; just noticing anything he…
That’s how we know he’s a white male.
And yet, you did!
“Homophobia, vandalism, racism, all on a Sunday”
Katie Couric is a serious journalist. She was the first woman to anchor a network evening news broadcast without a…
In retrospect, football was sort of a thing he fell ass-backwards into for a while despite being an irredeemable turd. The most interesting aspect of this case isn’t that a football player was just convicted of murder, but that a murderer actually managed to have a short pro football career.
Look, it’s like they always say - you can’t have your birthday cake and jump out of it in an Easter bunny costume wearing a lace-thong, basketball sneakers, and Chanel #16 ‘sandal’, without getting skin treatment for contact flour dermatitis, footing a hefty dry-cleaning bill for the whole lot of it, just to realize…
so if Urban Meyer kills someone, he’s probably not getting anything.