Waingro Meedham

Pretty sure the studio version was Earl Slick playing the solo. And the Live at Nassau '76 version was a Canadian dude named Stacey Heydon. But are fantastic, but Heydon's version is fucking boss.

Yep. The live version from Live Nassau Coliseum '76 is even better and shows what monster players his band were. Stacey Heydon fucking slays on guitar and the Dennis Davis's drumming during the outro jam is just jaw dropping.

My favorite Kiedis moment was watching his cringeworthy Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction speech for the Talking Heads and realizing how dumb he actually is. I don't expect Springsteen or Bono-like raconteurism for every induction speech, but he sounded like someone just pulled him out of the audience and told him to

"And as soon as I think I might be enjoying it, I hear that cheesy sax or the glockenspiel, and it all falls apart."

If you enjoy a host who constantly interrupts his guests whenever they're about to say something interesting, Charlie Rose is certainly an option.

I just posted the same thing. It's a cliche to call guitar solos "blistering" but I don't know what better describes Stacey Hayden's work on that tune. I was so astonished that once I saw it wasn't Earl Slick, I had to look up what else Hayden had played on and there wasn't much. But he was a fucking boss during those

Jesus - that entire '76 Bowie show at Nassau is absolutely killer. The version of "Stay" is fucking incendiary. Bowie was always good live and had great taste in backing musicians, but that particular group was a special band.

"Bill Maher, on his show Friday, did a promo for Oliver's show so
blatantly half-hearted, I could almost see the shadow of the HBO exec's
gun pointing at him off-camera."

"How many times have you heard an artist—the kind who, in the past, had made arguable classics but are currently in something of a slump—declare their upcoming album is "pretty much the best thing we've ever done"? No matter how optimistic a fan you are, your bullshit detector will just go haywire."